Moral Reconation Therapy in Cape Cod –

Moral Reconation Therapy or MRT is an intervention for drug addiction that is classified as a cognitive­behavioral therapy. The goal of MRT is to help people who are addicted to drugs make decisions that take into account others around them and the greater good of society. Ultimately, MRT seeks to shift the focus away from an addict’s desire to experience pleasure and eliminate pain to being a responsible member of society.

The Benefits of MRT

Moral Reconation Therapy has been used since 1988, and was originally developed for use among prison populations. Today, MRT is widely employed to provide drug addiction treatment in a variety of settings. More than 75 published studies have confirmed the benefits of MRT, which include:

  • Allowing addicts to uncover a greater purpose in life
  • Boosting self­esteem
  • Improving the ability to reason
  • Teaching addicts how to work through negative feelings in positive ways
  • Decreasing destructive behaviors in individuals prone to thrill seeking

MRT has been found to benefit people of many different levels of intelligence and with many different learning styles. An experienced facilitator can tailor therapy to an individual’s strengths and weaknesses while providing therapy, making it possible for MRT to be successfully used as a part of drug addiction treatment for a broad range of people.

How MRT Works

While the specific techniques used as a part of Moral Reconation Therapy are determined by the needs of the individuals in the group, MRT has an overlying structure that remains the same. The program is comprised of 16 units. In most cases, it takes at least 3 to 6 months to complete the entire program, and groups may meet daily or just once or twice per week.

During the program, the facilitator leads the individuals in the group through a series of steps:

  1. Addicts begin by admitting that they are the cause of the problems that they are confronted with. They are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions.
  2. Participants are taught to trust themselves and that the program can benefit them. A feeling of trust within the group is also fostered to ensure that everyone feels safe.
  3. Addicts come to understand that they must be able to adapt to their circumstances and that there are benefits to following rules.
  4. Participants learn self­awareness and about how important it is to be present in one’s own life.
  5. Treatment turns toward the need to repair relationships that have been harmed by the participants’ behaviors.
  6. Participants learn to see the value in helping others even when there is nothing to be gained from it.
  7. Addicts are encouraged to set goals and to live their lives striving to achieve them.
  8. Participants learn to let go of the need to be right and are taught not to give up in the face of adversity.
  9. Negative attitudes, beliefs and behaviors are identified, and participants develop strategies to eliminate them.
  10. Treatment concludes with participants making a commitment to behave ethically while encouraging them to move forward with a greater sense of purpose in life.

MRT in Cape Cod, Massachusetts

MRT is one of the many interventions used to treat drug addiction at in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. We offer drug rehab services in a luxurious facility and develop holistic, individualized treatment plans for people dealing with substance abuse problems that can combine MRT with an array of other traditional and alternative interventions. To learn more about the facility and programs, call Drug Treatment Centers Cape Cod today.